Shintarou Jagasaki, a police officer in his neighborhood, lives with his lover while doing a job that is slowly killing him with annoyance. It appears that he will marry soon...
Shintarou Jagasaki, a police officer in his neighborhood, lives with his lover while doing a job that is slowly killing him with annoyance. It appears that he will marry soon...
Shintarou Jagasaki, a police officer in his neighborhood, lives with his lover while doing a job that is slowly killing him with annoyance. It appears that he will marry soon...
Shintarou Jagasaki, a police officer in his neighborhood, lives with his lover while doing a job that is slowly killing him with annoyance. It appears that he will marry soon...
Shintarou Jagasaki, a police officer in his neighborhood, lives with his lover while doing a job that is slowly killing him with annoyance. It appears that he will marry soon...
Shintarou Jagasaki, a police officer in his neighborhood, lives with his lover while doing a job that is slowly killing him with annoyance. It appears that he will marry soon...
Shintarou Jagasaki, a police officer in his neighborhood, lives with his lover while doing a job that is slowly killing him with annoyance. It appears that he will marry soon...